Mobile – THATCamp AHA 2015 Just another THATCamp site Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:39:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Session Proposal: Digital Dawdle — Smartphones for Historic Sites Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:27:21 +0000

Scheduled for 1:30-2:20 in Theresa Lang Auditorium (202), 55 W 13th Street

Digital Dawdle: Walk and Talk around a Historic Site, connecting via Social Media. We scurry by statues, buildings, and historic spots every day without slowing down to take in the atmosphere or soak up the history. How do we slow down the urban walker and animate the flow in the field? Kathleen Hulser and Steve Bull are working on stimulating conversations via augmented reality and audio about women’s history in NYC’s public spaces in a project called “Caught in the Act: Restoring Women’s Memory in Public Space.”  We would like to brainstorm how people have used devices in the field to spark conversations, what are the best participation paradigms, scale, techniques for involvement, size and complexity of layers. We see how the Talking Statues of London work but have a more dialogue-oriented approach in mind.

Here’s map of the London Talking Statues.’s-talking-statues.pdf This is a pertinent model, but not exactly what we want to do, since we are using different types of sound, and augmented reality, along with social media components that are intended to make this a cumulative, live archive of experiences.

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